Friday, May 22, 2015

A Fresh Start


 I am currently on a 8 months holiday. I have just completed my studies in Junior College and awaiting university admission in August. As of now, I have about 2 months left before uni starts. That means I would have lesser or no time to do things that I have always wanted to do but couldn't because of school. 

 What made me start writing again? Why online? 

 I just had the feeling to start writing again. Trust me, I used to have a blog too...when is was 11 years old. Back in that day. the blogging trend started and many of my friends joined. being a little bit technology-savvy then, i decided to join as well. But, I didn't maintain my blog. i couldn't even remember the site name. 

 Lately, I have been questioning myself about how I have spent my 6 months holidays thus far. Through out the 6 months, I have travelled to 3 different countries- Cambodia: for a volunteer work, Malaysia: To attend a wedding ceremony of my cousins. i spent quality family time with my relatives in Malacca and Korea: To reward myself for surviving 12 years of education and for doing well for the 'A' levels. That made me realise that since I have travelled to a few countries, why not document them and share information that could be useful for them. 

 Honestly, before my Korea trip, I did a lot of research and most of them were online. Thus, I am glad to write on an online platform where I could reach out to the masses regardless of their location and time difference. 

  I hope that my blog would be beneficial to those who ever click on the link to my blog. I am not having any expectation with regards to the number of visitors that is going to visit my blog. I am thankful to anyone who might click the link. Thank you, in advance. 

 I love writing. I believe that this is more of a travelling blog as I would share what i experience overseas. I would start with Korea as it was my first time planning a free and easy itinerary for the trip. May this blog be helpful for you! 

  See you! 

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